Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wyatt's Faces & Tummy Time - Jan 29-30

The little guy keeps getting more expressive and shows us a few of his different faces in some of these pics. Also, he doesn't seem to mind being on his tummy so he has been getting lots of practice with that.


  1. He is so sweet!! I need to get all those little fun gadgets for our little guy to come! Fun to see some more pics of him.

  2. In one picture Wyatt has the one-eyed-willy going on and in the next the bug eyes. Your are right . . . he sure is expressive. Kelly, I think he takes after you with the one eye. Have you been teaching him the trick? Love you guys and especially my grandbaby!

  3. He is so BIG already-- I need to squeeze him, he looks yummy :) How fun to be able to go so many fun places with him.. When are you guys coming up for a visit?
