Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas in San Diego

We were able to spend Christmas here at our new home this year.  Mimi and Tia flew out to visit us from Dallas.  Kevin took off a week of work and it was fun and chill.
This little man just likes to wear his undies around the house these days.
Kevin took Mimi and Tia and the boys down to Moonlight Beach one day to play in the sand.

We made "gingerbread houses", aka graham cracker bear caves, and trains with some friends one day.

We also took a night trip to the San Diego Temple to see the lights and nativity.

We tried to take a family picture before church, this is the best we got, well we tried.

This year for Christmas Kevin and I decided to give each other a "staycation" present down to La Jolla, we stayed at the Hilton Torrey Pines hotel and strolled around La Jolla one day and the next took a morning hike to Torrey Pines, it was perfection.  Thanks to Mimi and Tia for watching the kids while we were away.

Santa came to visit our house on Christmas Eve, he ate his cookie, drank his milk, and feed his reindeer an apple.  

Christmas morning was so much fun with Wyatt, he loved seeing that Santa had come to our house, he was so excited about all the goodies that he had brought everyone.  Luke could have cared less, he woke up as usual wanting his milk and to watch a show, he casually glanced at the presents but never cared to open any until he'd been up for about two hours.  Funny little guys.

As everyone else was opening presents, we glanced over to the bar and noticed this little Christmas present in Luke's undies, hum what is up with that buddy, use the toilet!  But we all had to laugh and all I could think of was that South Park episode.
Lately if he decides not to take a regular nap, he always falls asleep on the couch or in my bed around 4pm, it's the worst, but he looks so darn cute and peaceful, I always snuggle for a minute and have to take a picture.

 My friend Mike and his family were visiting his parents in San Clemente over Christmas and we were able to meet up at Legoland.  It was great to see them, but was sooo cold that day, we are not used to 50 degree weather and rain, so we all ended up leaving early.
The boys had fun on the train before the rain started.

Just as we were heading out, Luke spotted his favorite character from the Lego movie, Wildstyle, he jumped out of the stroller and ran to her.
Kevin and I went to an early dinner on New Years Eve, so we celebrated by popping confetti filled balloons every hour with the kids beginning at 4pm until 6pm.  We also toasted the New Year with "fancy" drinks and our favorite bean dip.  They loved the "big" party we had at our house.

Wyatt has been working on his chore chart this month and earned a trip to Build A Bear, he was thrilled to get a bulldog he named Chubby and was excited to share the experience with Mimi and Tia.

On New Years Day we all headed down to Old Town to explore and grab lunch.  Of course, Chubby came with us.

Apparently our neighbors had a big New Years Eve party at their house, where they had a snow machine brought in to make snow.  We saw it the next day coming home from Old Town and decided to head over and see if Wyatt could play, Luke had fallen asleep in the car.  They were happily letting all the neighborhood kids play in the snow, and since it had been so cold that week, it stayed for a few days, so Wyatt had a couple of sled days.
....And then it got hot, like gorgeous summer weather today.  Sorry Mimi and Tia, you left just before the dream of a January day happened.  We spent the day at the beach with some friends, it was so peaceful, the kids played so well together and I was telling Kevin I didn't even hear from Wyatt for literally hours, he was off playing pirates with his buddy Owen.  We stayed for over three hours and finally went home when Luke had worn himself out.  My kind of day to ring in the new year!

1 comment:

  1. What a dream holiday. I so much enjoyed reading about your activities. I could really tell you had a wonderful Christmas and fun New Years. I'm sure Carly & Kathleen enjoyed themselves staying with you and enjoying a whole week with Kevin.
